Consumers don’t want cookies. (Not third-party tracking cookies, anyways. Their eponymous inspirations are still a hit, crumbs and all.)
Read MoreBrave is a web browser that prioritizes two features above all else: privacy and speed. The mission behind Brave is to provide users with a safer, faster and better browsing experience.
Read MoreThings have not been easy lately. Isolation from our loved ones, restrictions on where we can go and what we can do, and for many brands, a major blow to their businesses.
Read MoreCorporate. Responsibility. Two of the sexiest words imaginable, right? Well, maybe not to most people, but sometimes that kind of story needs to be told and we don’t think that’s an excuse to let it be a snoozefest.
Read MoreWe talked about how to prepare for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into your content marketing (or general marketing) efforts. But maybe you’re stuck on the first step, which is to identify practical use cases for AI.
Read MoreWe are excited to announce that AfterMath is the proud recipient of not one . . . but two . . . Platinum HanleyWood Brand Builder Awards!
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence (AI) is fueling many industries and businesses in today’s technology-driven world. But what function can it serve when it comes to content marketing—and marketing in general?
Read MoreVerbal interaction with mobile and smart home devices is skyrocketing. ComScore predicts that 50% of all searches will be done by voice by 2020.
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