Independent for 80 years and runnin’ — this isn’t some bloated agency with loads of layers and bureaucracy. We have the skills to fight above our weight and make work that reverberates.
AfterMath in 6 Words
(and then up to, like, 50-ish words after that.)
Heard THAT before, right? Well, not from people who actually do it. We talk. Constantly. We verbalize what’s bugging us or holding us up (or even what’s going kinda awesome). Then we all jump in, help each other figure things out and get stuff done — as a team. Hence the URL.
Not gonna lie (see “Transparency”), we might not always know how to do something. But we definitely know how to start and how to make anything happen. So, yeah. Gumption. We. Are going. To figure. It out. And then we’re going to do it super well. Whatever it is.
We have the very best, we’d-pick-them-again-over-anyone-else, sharpest, shrewdest, most talented people available in all of our positions. And that’s not enough. We are always learning and always pushing each other, ourselves and the work, because to make the best work, we have to actually be the best.
The quickest way to lose anyone’s attention is to show ‘em something they’ve seen before. That ain’t gonna cut it for us. From our work to WHO we are to HOW we work, we promise you’ve never met a team like us before, and you’ll always get surprisingly original work to boot.
Honesty IS the best policy. We expect it. From ourselves, from each other and from our clients. We don’t pull punches and we don’t hold back compliments either. Lay it on the table. It’s the only way we know we’re actually moving in the right direction.
Pretty obvious here. If we aren’t delivering and proving it and IMproving it, we aren’t doing our jobs.
Some of the groups we work with...

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Swipe right. (But don’t worry about coming up with a clever pickup line.)